A4 size Resist Amazon poster
I've added this poster as an option to buy through my shop, as quite a few people have been interested in buying it as a print. I'll be donating the money from the sales of this print to Trussell Trust https://www.trusselltrust.org
Also available for FREEEE to download/print yourself and put in your window
A4: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0093/4992/2876/files/Resist_Amazon_poster_A4.pdf?v=1605781077
A3: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0093/4992/2876/files/ResistAmazonShopLocal_A3.pdf?v=1605781077
I generally package up orders & do my post office trip just once a week. Like most indie artists, I'm juggling lots of things, and don't have the capacity to be shipping orders immediately (I'm not amazon!) so I really appreciate your patience, and massive thanks for your support 💗💗💗